How to Use “The Four Agreements” to Improve Your Writing

Blair Haring
5 min readApr 28, 2021

Express yourself without societal assumptions.

Photo by Thomas Franke on Unsplash

In Don Miguel Ruiz’s book, “The Four Agreements,” he describes how humans’ beliefs are formed and defined by society and the people who nurture us from a young age. We are “domesticated” humans who can only be truly free when we reject the agreements that we have unwittingly agreed to with those we establish ourselves.

Our ingrained perspectives are flawed. They teach us to judge others and ourselves; we learn to fear rejection and not being good enough.

“To be alive is the biggest fear humans have.” — Ruiz

When we write, we want to have the freedom to be ourselves and express our reflections. Suppose a writer blindly accepts society’s beliefs and that of their family and friends. In which case, they aren’t pushing boundaries or creating something authentic to themselves. What they write won’t be believable or interesting. If no one is to learn anything from what’s written, then it’s regurgitation, not creation.

Per the book, the following agreements will create freedom in your life. These same principles also correspond with improvement to your writing.

First Agreement: “Be Impeccable with Your Word.”



Blair Haring

Writer and Proofreader. Reader of Romance. Soccer Supporter. Mental health advocate. Trivia nerd. Figuring out my authentic self.