5 Sounds I Missed During the Pandemic, and Some I Didn’t

Blair Haring
4 min readJun 4, 2021

I’m ready to be around people again, to an extent.

Photo by Marcus Herzberg from Pexels

There are many things that we went without during the pandemic. We sacrificed a lot to try and keep ourselves and our loved ones healthy and safe. As restrictions ease and some of us return to our previously scheduled routines, I began to reflect on the sounds that I’ve missed hearing during quarantine and a few that I’m not particularly looking forward to returning.

What I’ve Missed

Family Gatherings

There isn’t a single holiday that my family doesn’t find a reason to come together. And we are by no means a small bunch. Thanksgivings have reached almost thirty attendees.

When there’s a get-together, it’s a cacophony of noise. My sisters’ five kids, whose ages range from nineteen to nine, battle each other in loudness. The younger two needing to create perpetual noise to gain the attention of the teenagers more interested in their phones.

Additionally, every nuclear family has at least one dog. Barking and snarling are ceaseless. They begin circling the house or yard and knocking over household items or people in their attempts to outrun the others. It’s madness.



Blair Haring

Writer and Proofreader. Reader of Romance. Soccer Supporter. Mental health advocate. Trivia nerd. Figuring out my authentic self.